SimplyInsured is integrated with Quickbooks Online Payroll!
Did you know that we are partnered with Intuit to bring our small business health insurance solution direct to Quickbooks Online Payroll users? Now you do!
How does an integration with SimplyInsured work?
Our mission at SimplyInsured is to eliminate the fear in health insurance for the millions of Americans who work for a small business. In order to reach those small businesses, we partner with other great small business-focused companies to make the process faster and streamlined. With our Quickbooks Online Payroll Integration, we are able to provide real time quotes for your business and our platform makes all administration work effortless.
From there, once you've browsed and compared plans, you apply simply, all within Quickbooks! We outline how easy it is to use in our demo video below!
Show me how it works!
Our integration with Quickbooks is one of our longest integrations, making the health insurance process simpler than ever for thousands of Quickbooks users! See how easy it is:
Now that you've seen how easy it is to explore health insurance for your small business, head on over to Quickbooks, login, and head over to the Payroll tab and select Benefits. You'll find us there!
If you already offer small business health insurance, not to worry. If you want to use our platform and useful employer and employee dashboards, you can select "Connect existing plan," and fill out a quick form. Even if you don't plan to switch to SimplyInsured, we encourage every small business owner to use our tool to compare prices - it is a free tool to make sure you have access to ALL of the health insurance solutions in your area.
Want to know how you can partner with SimplyInsured?
SimplyInsured is leading the industry with its easy to use, one-stop-shop healthcare benefits platform. By working with our partners, we aim to give each small business owner the power to make informed decisions, easily implement benefits, and keep their teams protected. Prospective customers who are interested in partnering with SimplyInured can reach out to us to discuss partnership opportunities, by using the Contact page.